Have an exciting event happening in Tunbridge Wells? Let’s spread the word!

Submit your event for free on the Visit Tunbridge Wells website. Whether it’s a festival, concert, workshop, or guided walk, we want to help you reach a wider audience.

Share the details and convince us why people should attend. A great event description is key to attracting visitors.

Please note your event will not be listed automatically. If your event is suitable for our audience, it will be featured on the website within 5 to 10 working days of submission.

About the event

max allowed characters: 80
Is your event already published online? *
If your event is already published on a website or any other public online outlet, please select 'yes'.
If the event is already published on your website or anu other event platform (Eventbrite etc) please paste in here the full URL of the page where all the details can be found..

Event details

Would you like us to copy all the details of the event from the published web page? *
The date (or first date) when the event is taking place

Please tell us more about the duration of the event by selecting one of the following fields *.

  • A multi-day event is one that lasts for more than one consecutive days, at the same staring and finishing times. (Any variations, for example theatre shows etc can always be indicated in the main text of the event.)
  • A recurring event is one that repeats in regular intervals (weekly, monthly etc) or other random days in the future.
Event duration *

Please use the text area below to tell us about the other occurrences of the event, including:

  • End time for regular recurrences (for example once a month/week but last occurrence is on dd/mm/yy)
  • Exclusion dates for regular recurrences.
  • Time variations
  • Random additional dates that the event recurs, including time variations.

Tickets / Prices *

Note about the cost/prices: Our website can only display numeric values, either in single or range format (e.g. £5, or £12.50-£25, or free-£17). It can also display 'Free'. If you have multiple ticket prices we suggest that you input the full range here (cheapest to most expensive) and use the 'Event description' area to list multiple prices if necessary.

A short paragraph (max 270 characters) to describe the event when it appears on lists or archives with other events.
The content you want to appear in the event's page (main body) in our website.

Event image *

Venue and Organiser

Please copy venue details from already published webpage
Please copy organiser details from already published webpage

About you

Your details are confidential and will not be published.

Are you submitting this event on behalf an organisation? *